The 3 Pillars of Quality Video Production: Creativity, Equipment, and Expertise

by WK Studios | January 6, 2021 | Video Marketing

Let’s be honest. These days, just about everybody is walking around with a high-quality camera in their pocket. And there’s no shortage of free and low-cost video editing apps and software available. As a result, everybody (yes, even you!) can shoot, edit, and distribute professional-looking videos. But how do you get the high-quality video production feel of working with the pros? We believe that creativity, the right equipment, and a little help from the pros can get you pretty far.  

Creativity in Video Production

What makes a compelling video? What defines a story that sticks? And, most importantly, how do you produce videos that your audience actually wants to watch? In short: creativity. 

But isn’t “creativity” a super ambiguous term? Yes. And it’s totally subjective too! For example, the acceptable quirk-level for a craft brewery will differ from that of a law firm or doctor’s office. But it’s essential to keep in mind that “creative” doesn’t always mean “Puppy Monkey Baby” weird. It can be something as simple as discovering a unique story angle to help your audience connect with your brand. Or using lighting, frame speeds, and creative cuts to set your video’s emotional tone. 

In short, creativity needs to be at the center of every aspect of your video—from concepts like storyboards, scriptwriting, and location scouting to technical details like shot angles and lighting requirements. 

Invest in the Right Equipment

Wait a minute, didn’t we already tell you your iPhone could capture high-quality footage? Absolutely. If you’ve got David Leitch, director of John Wick, framing your shots. But for professional-looking digital ads, television spots, and web series, you might want to upgrade. And even the highest quality camera can’t make up for shaky shots and poor lighting. That’s why, if you’re serious about your video production, you’re going to want to invest in the right gear. 

There’s no one-size-fits-all recommendation for video production equipment. Your needs will vary based on your budget, experience level, type of project, and objectives. But, as a baseline, your essential gear checklist should include a camera, tripod, microphones, lighting and screens, and any editing/production software you’ll use. You can also work with a video production company like WK Studios and let us pick the right gear for the job. 

Expert Video Production

But how do you know the best lighting, the right shot angles, and where to cut that frame? This is where expertise comes into play. Because the best video production teams know how to combine creativity and technical skills to craft engaging visual stories. In our corner of the world, we call them stories that stick. 

Unfortunately, you can’t become an expert overnight. But, with time, persistence, and a little help from the pros, you can develop an eye for engaging video storytelling. Here at WK Studios, we’re experts in everything from conception to distribution. And we’re your trusted consultants in ROI generation through quality video production. 

Have Questions About What Goes Into WK’s High-Quality Video Production?

We’ve got answers. Whether you need a fresh take on your brand’s visual narrative or you’re looking for auto dealership commercials with more action (and less yelling), we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with our team to get the ball rolling in your next project.